Saying “Yes” To Your Life

How many times have you been told “No” and you allowed that simple word to stop you?

Over my many years, I have entered into areas where someone thought I didn’t belong.

Going to college. Getting a divorce. These are two that leap to my consciousness right now. There were many smaller events as well. Little things that told me that I was not worthy of having that thing, going that direction, being with that person. Well intentioned people who tried to block my life from happening. I have done it, as well, to others, I have to admit. Somehow thinking that we know better how someone is supposed to play out their life’s journey keeps us busily away from seriously focusing on our own.

Rules, Protocols, Traditions, Beliefs

There are all these rules, protocols, traditions, beliefs along your journey that you feel obligated to uphold. And so you do… until some defining moment when something stronger intervenes. It’s a pull, a push, a strong sensation that no matter what others think or believe, you are destined to do something different. And while others are shouting “No, No, No”, there is a stronger voice that’s louder; “It’s time. It’s time. It’s time.”

It’s Time!

It’s these times, when you go against all logic, all learned behavior, all past traditions, and you follow destiny. These are the moments when you accept YOU. Not someone else’s vision of you but you, the one unique being that God created you to be. And, later, while looking in that rear view mirror, you are somehow surprised! How did I get here? How was I so fortunate? How did I manage to make this happen?

It was destiny’s push that filled your brain with a positive message. Words that strongly repeated “Yes, I can!”, while others were saying “No.”

“Yes I Can”

Words of confirmation: “I am capable”. “I am smart.” “I am worthy!” Marching orders. Repeat them. Shout them out loud as you put one foot in front of the other and move…forward!

I Have One Life

And it belongs to me. I have been put on this earth to carry out some mission. I am unique just like you are unique. My mission was predetermined before I was born. I believe that I have spent most of my life trying to figure out what that mission actually was supposed to be. It’s taken me a lifetime to realize that I had choices every single step of the way. And it has been those choices that either held me back or opened me up to the life I am supposed to live.

So Begin Today

Today, I will begin. I will say “Yes” to my life as it unfolds. I will not throw up barriers. I will not let fear or judgement close doors that were presented for me to open. It’s never to late to say “Yes” to your life. It’s never too late.

I am capable!

I am smart!

I am worthy!